1 :慈姑:2024/04/18(木) 19:16:10.68 ID:rLmn6+NP0.net ?PLT(19081)
The first official sighting of the Loch Ness Monster in 2024 has been captured by a family on holiday.
The Official Loch Ness Monster Sightings Register says Parry and Hannah Malm’s sighting is “compelling new evidence”
The Loch Ness Monster has reportedly been sighted for the first time in 2024, with a family claiming to have caught “compelling new evidence” of the elusive creature.
The Official Loch Ness Monster Sightings Register has endorsed Parry and Hannah Malm’s claim after they snapped a photo showing an unidentified presence near Urquhart Castle, a known hotspot for Nessie enthusiasts.
The Malms, along with their children, were visiting the loch for the first time when they encountered the mysterious figure.
Parry recounted the moment, saying:
“Shannon spotted the black head of an animal bobbing up and down. I was a total sceptic before but now I think there must be something there.”
60 :山下さんちのエジプト猫 :2024/04/18(木) 20:05:24.87 ID:FL25R74g0.net
12 :名無しさん@涙目です。:2024/04/18(木) 19:20:31.21 ID:gDPlA5o/0.net
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45 :名無しさん@涙目です。:2024/04/18(木) 19:41:11.53 ID:+tYpDfVO0.net
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24 :名無しさん@涙目です。:2024/04/18(木) 19:25:43.08 ID:Q2WyaSVl0.net
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111 :名無しさん@涙目です。:2024/04/19(金) 09:14:46.16 ID:Dj/pfZTu0.net
61 :名無しさん@涙目です。:2024/04/18(木) 20:06:46.21 ID:Q2WyaSVl0.net
54 :名無しさん@涙目です。:2024/04/18(木) 19:50:11.50 ID:Cf1bP5Bk0.net
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